Saturday, August 31, 2013

It's Been Awhile

So I have been totally slacking in the Paranormal aspect of my life lately. And boy has Spirit been letting me know I need to get my butt in gear! We have mostly been doing Private Client based investigations lately but we do have a very busy fall shaping up and I for one am very excited to get back into the routine. Also I have noticed that my visits from spirits are getting more frequent. Usually I am visited by a spirit, have a dream about, or know information regarding an investigation prior to the client contacting us or just before the investigation takes place. I figured I would start writing about these encounters and including the link to my blog with the online case file for some of our investigations. They are becoming so frequent that I usually have a sighting 2-3 times a week. Nothing scary and the weird thing is I never interact with them, all my info comes through my spirit guide. It is almost like they just show up to say "hey you will be seeing me in the near future, just wanted you to know that".

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