Friday, May 17, 2013

Investigation Prep Part One

It is the Friday before a big investigation so I thought I would break down how we prep. Today we pull all the batteries out of all our equipment and charge all of our batteries.  We use rechargeable batteries for most of our equipment and then we purchase regular batteries from the dollar store as back up for the day of. We also on this day go through all the SD Cards and make sure they are blank as well as deleting any lingering files on our digital recorders.  The day before is also the day we finalize our team guest list so I can make up the assignment charts and Tim usually finalizes the equipment set up so we have a plan before going into the day of .  Please note even though we appear and make every attempt to be prepared before arriving we have found that something always changes when we get to the investigation site. For example Tim and I went on a pre tour of the Rio Grand prior to our investigation so we could map out the equipment set up. When we arrived the security guard on site that night opened up some rooms we previously were told we would not have access to. So last minute we had to make changes to our existing set up plan.  My best advice is to go into the investigation as organized and planned out as you can but expect and don't freak out if there are changes. Well this is our pre-day of prep tomorrow morning I will post the second part giving you the run down of the day of prep!

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