Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Midvale House Visitor

Please bare with me as I revisit some of our older investigations for a moment. I decided to include on my blog and with the online case files my interactions or visits from the spirits prior to investigation day or even in some cases prior to the client even contacting us. Midvale which was one of the first private residence investigations we did was one of those visits that happened prior to our client interview. I was sitting in our living room while Tim was in the back office just watching some TV, to be honest I was catching up on some reality TV but you won't hold that against me right? Zero our dog was oddly fascinated with the wall that connects the living room to our bedroom. He began pacing back and forth in front of a certain section and then became highly agitated even growling at the wall. I looked over in time for him to back up rather quickly and a inky dense black figure leaned through the wall (only his torso) looked my direction and then back into the wall he disappeared. As you can imagine I was quite shaken by this and when I gained enough courage to move I quickly went to Tim to tell him what had just happened. Soon after this one time only event we were contacted by our Clients at the Midvale location and set up our interview. That night we were shown a video that they had captured and I saw the same inky black figure in the video. This was the first time I can remember a visit from a spirit that we encounter on our investigations and by far was not the last. It has been pretty consistent and only amping up as we go into our busy season. I will continue to write about past ghostly visits until caught up and then try and stay on top of new visits and new investigations.