Saturday, April 13, 2013

TV Investigators

I was recently asked in an interview who my favorite TV investigator was. I have been very vocal in the past about why I have a hard time with  TV paranormal shows so this was a tough one for me to answer. Now each show has its good and bad points and each investigator has things that I hate and yet they do things that I myself learn from. After some pondering and having Tim answer this question first I said that I liked Grant Wilson from Ghost Hunters the best. Not because he is Mormon and I was raised Mormon but because out of all the different shows I watch he is the one that stands out as having the most respect for the spirits. As of late I joke that I am a spirit advocate because lack of respect is my biggest issue with TV programs. I don't really care for the shows like My Ghost Story Caught On Tape and Paranormal Witness because they usually show people who don't know anything about the paranormal doing things for shits and giggles.  Grant to me always came across that he actually cared about the spirits that they encountered, that they had stories and history to them rather than something really cool they caught on tape. That is how I look at spirits and why I say I'm "the spirit advocate" because they were living at one time, they have history, and I'm interested in hearing about them rather than what they can do to make me look good on tape.